I'm still using my trusty old lap top. The computer shop is swamped so it's taken a bit longer than I hoped to get it back. Maybe later this afternoon. The lap top is not bad. The only thing is, I've been unable to watch any videos I'm sent because I hesitate to install "Flash Player." And all my 4th of July pictures are still sitting in my camera waiting to be posted.
I think I mentioned that I didn't have anything backed up, well let me tell you...that's going to change. I was laying in bed reading the other night and suddenly remembered all the information I have in my "Family Tree Maker" program. I thought I was going to be sick. I called the shop the next morning and they said it should be fine. We'll see......
So is everybody heading out to 7-11 today to get their free Slurpee? I read a little more on that and they are giving the 7oz ones free. I haven't had a Slurpee in....gosh 15-20 years. I just don't ever stop there. My son's apartment is near a 7-11 and he is able to buy milk on sale there almost all the time. He loves it. If I lived close to one, I'd do that too. I hate to walk to the back of a huge grocery store just for milk. And it's not the walk to the back of the store so much as finding a place in the 5 acre parking lot....then waiting in line for check out. It can take 30 minutes just to get a gallon of milk.
Listen to me....retired, with time on my hands, complaining about it taking 30 minutes to buy a gallon of milk....LOL
It's another beautiful day here in western Washington. We're supposed to top out at about 85* with a breeze...so it's almost perfect weather.
Eastern Washington, around the Spokane and Wenatchee areas are experiencing wild fires. Temperatures are high, and yesterday they had wind gusts up to 50 mph fanning the flames that burned hundreds of acres of land besides homes. Today they say the winds should die down, which will help firefighters get the blazes under control. With the fires in southern California, I'm sure that some of our firefighters could be down there and will have to head back home to get our own fires under control.
This past Wednesday I took my grand daughter out for her birthday lunch. We went down along the water front (it looked a lot different than it did last Friday on the 4th) to C.I. Shenanigans for our lunch. We sat out on their large deck over looking Puget Sound. There were quite a few boats out and it was very enjoyable. She had never been there so she really enjoyed it. She's going to have a 16th birthday party but not until August 2nd. She's getting it all planned and is inviting 15 of her friends to come over that day for BBQ, etc outside (we will be hoping for good weather that weekend) It's still hard for me to believe that both of my grand angels are teenagers. It seems like only yesterday they were toddlers. Since they are only 14 months apart, they were almost like twins when they were little. I used to even buy matching outfits for them.
Yesterday, I was out in the car and stopped by a Thrift Shop that I used to go to years ago. It was closed for a long time and recently I noticed that it had re-opened. Anyway, as I walked in...my first thought was that it was kind ofjunky. But, I started looking at different things and I think they just have so much stuff that it has the look of "junky." I was actually impressed with their clothes. They were in good shape and fairly inexpensive. I got a denim blouse for myself for $2.99 and then I found a book for me (oh no !! not another book!!) for 99 cents and some books for Meghanne with no price marked. I also had found a really nice wood TV tray type table to use on the porch when we eat out there (mostly Bob, I don't like to eat out there because of the the bees)...anyway the table was marked $7.99 but it was a good quality, heavy wood and it folded out like it was supposed to and then folded flat, so I got it. When I got up to the check out, I started unloading the stuff out of my cart and I mentioned to the gal that the books I got for Meghanne had no price. She said "all soft backs are 99 cents but today everything is 50% off." Did I hear her right? Everything is 50% off ?!? Wow, I got that blouse for $1.50 and the table for $4...why didn't I grab another one? What a deal. I didn't want to go back & getanother table because by now the check out line was getting longer and I wanted to get out of there. Ok, so for those of you in my area...(I know I'll get emails) this place is called Thrift City and it's on 72nd just east of McKinley Avenue, sort of across from the Sears Parts & Service place. They have tons of nice looking clothes for all ages and genders. Bob gets a lot of his clothes at the Goodwill. Like new sport shirts for $4.99, etc. But he was complaining the other day that their prices are going up. The last pair of jeans he bought he had to pay $8 for them. But they were Levi's and after washing them, I looked them over and they showed no wear what so ever. So I thought he got a good deal.
Well, I suppose I should get off here and get on with my day. I need to run to PetSmart and get food for somebody who lives here with me. She's down to 4 cans of Fancy Feast....even though she only gets a third of a can in the morning and another third in the evening, it won't be long until those 4 cans are gone.
She cracks me up sometimes with her obsession over her Fancy Feast. She starts begging for it about 7:30am even if I'm still asleep . She's right in my face, meowing (actually she squeeks), pawing at me with her front paw and sort of running around and around on the bed. Then in the afternoon I do give her a treat about 1:30 or 2pm but about 4pm she starts the whole begging thing again. Running back and forth squeeking, looking pitiful but I hold her off until 5 or 5:30pm. Meanwhile, she has a heaping bowl of Meow Mix in the kitchen and another in the bathroom. You'd think I was starving her to death. I'm glad she can't use the phone, she'd probably be calling the Humane Society, turning me in. What do you think Lisa? Is she a little obsessive? LOL
Ok folks...hope you all have a good Friday....until next time,and hopefully from my computer, Linda (and Princess Gabi)