I love fall, all the beautiful colors and the crispness in the air (at least we have that here in the Pacific Northwest). However, I don't like what comes after fall......WINTER. I wish we could just skip winter and go right into spring, summer and then fall again. I have to confess there is one part of fall I don't care for and that's the 20 ga-zillion leaves that fall from the very large oak trees across the street from my house. My house faces the south and there a 'T' intersection right in front of the house and for some reason all of that causes all those leaves to end up in my carport. I do have a leaf blower but they still have to be picked up and deposited into the yard waste bin. I spend many hours each fall on 'Leaf Duty.' I came out of my local Target this last Sunday afternoon and the fall colors and the blue sky stopped me in my tracks. Such beauty~
Then I was out in the front and noticed the fall colors right here in my neighborhood.
This bright orange/red Japanese Maple is in the yard next door to me. I have a couple of them in my yard but they are a different variety and have already shed their leaves.
This tree is in the yard across from me....so pretty but a totally different color. As winter approaches all the trees (except our Douglas Fir trees) will be bare. They'll go dormant and settle down for their long winter's nap and then wake again in the spring. I have two small lilac trees that haven't bloomed yet. I hope as spring approaches I'll begin to see at least a few buds of flowers on each one of them.
I hope where ever you are...you're able to see a little change in the season. It's truly an amazing sight! And don't forget to;