Saturday, November 19, 2005

John's Weekend Assignment #86 Thankfully Remembered

Weekend Assignment #86: Thankfully Remembered

From John;
Next Thursday is Thanksgiving, and, frankly, I don't expect to see too many of you around here on that day, so I thought I'd post a Thanksgiving-themed Weekend Assignment this Thursday:

Weekend Assignment #86: Who are you thankful for -- who you won't be able to spend this Thanksgiving with? This is a chance to tell us about the people you care about who will be far away from you this holiday, or who have passed on but remain in your heart.

Extra Credit: Pumpkin pie vs. pecan pie -- which do you choose for Thanksgiving dessert?

I remember Thanksgivings past...when my parents were still alive and my kids were young.  We seemed to have the biggest house, so everyone came over.  My mom made these great sweet potatoes, she would boil them until tender,peel them,  then slice them horizonally, then just before dinner she  would fry them (in her electric frying pan she that always brought along) in a mixture of butter and brown sugar. And she always made the gravy, even at our house.  Frequently, my former husband  (who worked for the railroad) would have to go off on the train so dinner would be set around his departure time. If he was home for the day, he and my dad would watch football on TV.  I don't think either one of them really cared about the game but it was the thing to do on Thanksgiving afternoon.  When my grandmother was still alive (she passed away in 1979) she would always ask for her dessert to go.  She (and my dad) were retired from the railroad and when she was still working, she would take her holiday dessert to work with her.  So even after she retired, she would say "I'll take my dessert with me so I can eat at work tonight."  It was kind of a family joke that grandma always ate her dessert later.  My kids were both blessed to have wonderful grandparents and a great grandmother (great, great as Julie called her) in their lives.  We used to have such a good time at family holiday get togethers.  Oh how I miss those days.  But I know that someday we will all gather again.... around the throne of God for a family reunion.

Extra Credit question:  It has to be pecan pie (just a small slice as it's so rich).  Pumpkin pie is absolutely out !!     Yuk !  


Anonymous said...

Oh that was so lovely thanks for sharing ,I havent had either so I wouldnt know which pudding to take home !.............Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I love pecan and pumpkin pie so can I take both home please?!! I think the magic has gone out of the holiday season now, they always seemed so different in the old days. Commercialism has taken it all away, sad for the young kids of today. Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

Wonder filled memories you have here.  Never thought about frying sweet potatoes that way - just might give that a try.  I have no idea what my kids remember about me in regards to the things I cooked for Thanksgiving or all the holidays we used to spend together.  Now that hubbys retired we can be there on holidays if their not over at the daughter-in-laws families home.  I remember, I remember, I remember, all now that's a better feeling.  LOL


Anonymous said...

Wonder filled memories you have here.  Never thought about frying sweet potatoes that way - just might give that a try.  I have no idea what my kids remember about me in regards to the things I cooked for Thanksgiving or all the holidays we used to spend together.  Now that hubbys retired we can be there on holidays if their not over at the daughter-in-laws families home.  I remember, I remember, I remember, all now that's a better feeling.  LOL


Anonymous said...

Hi John,

I have been a bit busy to tap into the assignments, but I find them wonderful, hopefully I will be able to participate a bit more now that my school semester is at its end! Well, I wrote about my grandfather who is in the heavens!  He will be missed very much during this Thanksgiving!  May you enjoy yours along with your loved ones!  God bless! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry Linda, I must apologize for writing Johns comments on your page, and I was going to write yours on his, WOW!  School really has me backwards, I really need a break lol.  Well I must say, I love your entry.  From your entry I was inspired to write about my grandfather!  I certainly understand losses, and missing family during these seasons!  Well may GOD bless you and keep your warm memories sacred in your heart!  

NENA (Afro_Boricua)