Saturday, September 1, 2007

My Son.....

He called me this morning from work to tell me someone broke into his apartment during the night while he was sleeping.  When he got up this morning, his door was open.  He looked out side and the mat in front of the door was askew and the screen on the window, next to the front door was off.  He figures they took off the screen, pulled the window back (he has a stick in it, so it can open about 6 inches only) and reached thru & turned the deadbolt on the front door & came in.  He had to get ready for work, so didn't really have a chance to check around much but his cell phone is missing off the table in his kitchen.  He called Verizion once he got to work and reported it stolen & they've turned it off.   He got the non-emergency number for the local police department from me & was going to call them.  He said once he got off work he'd go see the apartment manager, to let them know...I believe he said the window screen was totally gone.   He was thinking they may have thought no one was there and then he rolled over or made a noise in his sleep and they took off.    I told him about Bob's idea of having a can of wasp & hornet spray can spray about 30 feet &  if you sprayed someone in the face it would certainly stop them in their tracks long enough to get away.   He just signed another 6 months lease there...I hope this doesn't cause him to be afraid to stay there.     
  Thank the Lord, they didn't harm him. 


Anonymous said...

Linda this is awful ,and like you say Thank God he's OK and wasnt hurt Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Praise God your son was not hurt. Things can be replaced.
Maybe he can fix the apt where it's harder for someone to enter...& possibly a security alarm system.

Anonymous said...

Yikes that is horrible, I don't even want to think what would have happened if he had surprised them.  Can he get an upstairs apt?  Need to make that stick longer...I have them in my sliding doors too.  There is also this nifty thing I got for my doors called "add-a-lock"  they were very cheap and they also are a good thing to use when you go to hotels. (you should get some yourself)  I will give you the link... glad he is okay and I hope much isnt missing.

Anonymous said...

That is really scary. I just wonder if the person sleeping was a women, would they have left or stayed? They might have realized it was a man - and chosen not to mess with him!

Anonymous said...

How frightening!  I'm so glad he was not hurt.  Let's hope that they don't return.  I would feel so violated.  I had a dream once where this strange man was coming down the stairs.  It was so vivid and it scared me awake, and I was actually yelling out loud, help me!  I cannot imagine it happening for real.  Thank God he was not hurt.

Anonymous said...

He was very lucky, so glad he's okay.  JOni

Anonymous said...

Oh how scary!!! hope he gets it sorted out.....

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh that is frightening!  I'm glad he is okay, we have had so many home invasions in the area lately ~ they have not been good endings like your son.  I like the idea of the wasp spray, when I walk the farm at night I carry my mace with dye in it.  If I were to spray someone & they were apprehended they could be identified by the dye under a blacklight.

Anonymous said...

oh that is so creepy
was he very unnerved?