When I got the mail today there was an envelope from Koda's Betty mixed in amongst the other stuff. I hurried into the house and opened it and was thrilled to see a squished quarter that she got for me during a recent visit to Disneyland. I was so excited !!! My first squished quarter !!!! I have been getting squished penny's for my son in law for several years, and just last year decided to start collecting them myself too. So I have a pretty good collection started from the places we have visited, plus a couple that Robin has sent me from Florida. So I want to take this opportunity to thank Betty for this very special gift. I've already ordered a squished quarter collector's book. Thank you, thank you !!! And Robin thank you again for the two you've sent me.
When I was a kid, I had a whole bunch of elongated penny's ~ but like some of those other treasures from my childhood....they seem to have disappeared.
Tonight's a big night on TV. The 'American Idol' elimination show and 'The Office.' Have a good evening....until next time, Linda
Beautiful photos from the skiiers point of view. I was in the Mt. Ranier area one time and what a truly beautiful mountain. I have gotten into Oprah's show that comes at the same time after struggling with Nadya's problems with her babies on Dr. Phil. I felt like getting up there and smacking that Lawyer Gloria Allred. What problems all the way around. I might get back to the Idol elimination show as soon as I see what Oprah is up to on her topic obesity, a 1000 lb woman! Gerry
Beautiful pictures Linda! What a view! I had never heard of squished quarters! When I was a girl I had a squished penny though that had the Lord's Prayer on it.
We use to put pennies on the railroad track
The photo's are amazing. You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful area.
Hugs, Joyce
I will start to smash money for you! I have not been skiing in years!
Linda the Pictures are beautiful ~
I have got to ask "What is a squished quarter" :o) ~ Ally x
Like Garnett, I too used to put pennies on the railroad track
Those ski pictures make me long for the days when I skiied in California (Heavenly Valley) and Colorado.
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