Sunday, June 20, 2010


I was blessed to have the best dad in the world. The picture above was taken July 4, 1942 when I was 6 months old. He left the next day for Camp Shelby, Mississippi for his basic training in the Army.   When he came home years later, I didn't know mom did the best she could, keeping a picture of him on a small table & everyday we "kissed daddy goodnight."  
     My dad was always a hard worker. He worked as a train dispatcher on the Milwaukee Railroad until his retirement in the late 1970's. He always worked the afternoon shift so he would be home to take care of the 10 acres we lived on.  There were fences to mend, animals to care for (our cow was milked at mighnight & noon because of dad's work schedule) and he was always available to help a friend or a neighbor if they needed his assistance.  He taught the adult Sunday School class at church, he was also a Deacon at their church. When the church built a Christian school,  he served for many years on the School Board.      
           His dry sense of humor was always enjoyable, he was fun to be around.  We always knew that he loved my brother and myself and of course our mom.  He was a great dad. 
            He had a bad stroke in January of 1990.  Most afternoons when I would visit him he was sleeping or very drowsy.  But on the morning of July 4, 1990...I went early, since I didn't have to work.  He was wide awake & happy to see me. He'd lost his speech but his blue eyes twinkled.  It was a precious time for me....I was able to tell him what a wonderful dad he'd been and that I was sorry for being kind of a rotten kid.  He shook his head "no" with tears in his eyes and squeezed my hand.  I will never forget that time with him.  On the afternoon of September 14, 1990 he slipped into the arms of his heavenly father.  I miss him.
           Happy Father's Day to all the dads, step dads, foster dads, adoptive dads & the mom's who've been both mom & dad.  Keep on keeping on. 


Linda Lee said...

Beautiful tribute to your great dad. Thank you for sharing your love for him with your blogging friends.

betty said...

(love your new header picture, Linda, very colorful!)

what a wonderful tribute to your dad, Linda. He seemed like a good hard working man! I'm glad you were able to have that special time with him before he passed to express your love towards him! one day you'll see him again and spend eternity with him :)


Ally Lifewithally said...

What a wonderful Dad you had ~ I am so glad you had time with him Memories are so precious ~ Ally x

garnett109 said...

what a lovely picture of you and your dad


A nice tribute to your father. Life is so short... too soon the ones we love are taken from us. Memories are are we have left... so we must treasure them.